Original Oil Painting
Oil On Canvas
102cm X 78cm
Created 2018
Sold Private collection France
“Father” is available as a signed limited edition print, please see the homeless series on the limited edition print section of the website..
“Father” was exhibited at The Southampton Art Gallery 2019
“Father” is a painting of Matthew a young homeless man living on the streets of Southampton in the UK. This is my second painting of Matthew, the first titled “Matthew”.
I met Matthew in 2017 and then again in 2018. Matthew was suffering with mental illness and every second of every day he was fighting demons in his mind. He was a kind and caring man and enjoyed our conversations. His face lit with emotion when he talked of his past, he lived in an extreme world and it was this emotion that I wanted to capture in my painting. I see Matthew as a good friend and I hope as with so many of the homeless that he can calm his mind and see a way out of the trauma that he was experiencing.