“The Place of The Skull”

Original Oil Painting

Oil On Canvas 

123cm X 93cm (140cm x 110cm including frame)

Created 2019

Provenance: “The Place Of The Skull” won first prize at the prestigious London Biennale in 2019

Sold Private Collection UK

“The Place of The Skull” won first prize at the London Biennale 2019 and has been exhibited in London and Amsterdam. The Place of The Skull is a tribute to the child victims of war. I was influenced by Picasso’s Guernica which had a profound affect on me and I wanted to do a modern version of this painting. The Three figures in the background are images of torture victims at the infamous Abu Ghraib prison, I wanted to show how martyrs are born and how the torture crimes actually fanned the flames of terrorism and so we have a never ending cycle of bombing, resistance, torture, bombing, resistance, torture……

“The Place Of The Skull” is also available as a signed limited edition print, please see the “War and Conflict” series on the limited edition print section of the website..

original oil painting, realism, photorealism, figurative art by James earley
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