“Dollars And Oil Steal Life”
Original Oil Painting
Oil on Canvas
52cm x 77cm (58cm x 83cm including frame)
Created 2021
This painting is framed in a bespoke wooden frame, is ready to hang and will come with a signed Certificate Of Authenticity.
The painting will be professionally packaged, tracked and insured during delivery and delivery is free.
If you have any questions about this artwork please contact James on 0044 7551616352 or by email james@jamesearleyartist.com
I wanted to create a painting that not only shows the beauty and innocence of childhood but also the terrors of war and imperialism. Most people are aware of the damage caused by a conventional war, they have seen the damage to Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, they have seen the destruction that bombs can cause. Most people are not aware of the damage sanctions can cause and it is estimated that sanctions imposed on Iraq have caused the death of half a million children. Many countries in the world are crippled by these economic sanctions.
My painting shows a young boy tired and traumatised by war against a background of symbols and text which point to the reasons of these wars such as money and oil. I also wanted to embed in the text a famous question aimed at the then US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright by Journalist Lesley Stahl who asked “We have heard that half a million Iraqi children have died due to the UN sanctions on Iraq, do you think the price is worth it?” After a pause Madeleine Albright responded “That is a very hard question but we feel that the price is worth it.” When I heard that response I felt ashamed to be a part of the human race.
“Dollars and Oil Steal Life” is available as a signed limited edition print, please see the “War and Conflict” series on the limited edition print section of the website.