
original photorealism oil painting by James Earley


I remember seeing a video of Tawhid and being magnetised by his smile and his enthusiasm as he took his first steps. He was surrounded by his friends and family who seemed mezmerised by each small step and I could sense their pride for this brave little boy. Born with cerebral palsy, 13-year-old Tawhid developed

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original realism portrait painting by James earley

James Earley paints Shapna

It was 10th May 2022 and I was looking forward to visit one of Friendship’s floating hospitals. In its work in remote regions that are deprived of even the most basic of services, Friendship’s first priority was saving lives and from its very beginning Friendship created an innovative solution- a floating hospital. Friendship’s aim is

James Earley paints Shapna Read More »

I See The Man Everywhere political art James Earley

Rubine Red Gallery Show

I am proud to be showing some of my work at the incredible Rubine Red Gallery in Palm Springs, USA in early 2021. I have never exhibited with this gallery before but it is fast developing a reputation as a brilliant and progressive gallery and it is my honour to have my work on their

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